4 February, 2020


Open Fields Website

Open Fields is active since 2010 dealing with consulting, technology transfer and training in agricultural and agro-industrial sectors. Open Fields is responsible for the evaluation of the economic sustainability of the marketing of hemp products, the project coordination and dissemination of results, supporting the development of all operational actions.

Council for Agricultural Research and Analysis of Agricultural Economics (CREA) Website

CREA is the scientific coordinator of the project and is responsible for the characterization of the protein fraction of hemp flour.

Interdepartmental Center on Safety, Technologies and Agri-food Innovation of the University of Parma (SITEIA-UNIPR) Website

SITEIA-UNIPR is responsible for the chemical-nutritional characterization of hemp oil and flour and for the production of functional foods that contain them. It is also responsible for the characterization of the larval mass in order to obtain ingredients for feed.

STUARD demonstration farm Website

The STUARD demonstration farm is responsible for the field trials and provides assistance to partner farms.

Naturfibre Website

Naturfibre, for over 20 years in the hemp supply chain, is responsible for obtaining oil and flour from hemp seeds.

Agriform Website

Training Centre recognized with Quality Accreditation on training by the Emilia Romagna Region, Agriform will carry on the training activities of the Project.

Ca’ D’Alfieri Website

Ca ‘D’Alfieri is an organic farm and farmhouse, located in Bardi in the Parma Apennines. Ca’ D’Alfieri hosts the field trials.

Pedrazzi farm

The Pedrazzi farm, spread over 150 hectares in Pellegrino Parmense, Parma Province, hosts the field trials.